We gave this small kitchen a modern look with advanced technology. How much elegance and modernism can you fit in a small space? To be honest, seeing these two styles that I always try to create in a tiny area makes me proud. What do you guys think?Coastal Chic Luxury Kitchen, so exciting to start!Another happy client, I wanted to use warm and calm colors together again. I tried to create a contemporary style by using the same material for the countertop and the wall behind the toilet so that the pipes are not visible. Our customer specifically stated that he didn’t want to see any cables and pipes. I found @dekton Sogne suitable for the countertop and wall. To capture the contrast and modernism in the bathroom, the veining on it is really gorgeous, I used matte bluish tile on the floor and walls Ice Gray.Creating a male photographer’s 📸 bedroom with contemporary, clean lines, yet chic can seem difficult and limited. Geometric lines can also be a masculine and stylish way to liven up a room. You can add valuable and cool meanings to the room by using the cameras and pictures he won awards for.Catch your style in your masculine bedroom!